Urban Rainforests

Explore our Volunteer Opportunities

Join our team and make the Impossible Happen!

Volunteering for Urban Rainforests offers an incredible array of opportunities for individuals passionate about creating sustainable and eco-friendly urban communities. Whether you’re an expert in urban planning, engineering, marketing, or any other field, there’s a place for you in our mission to transform urban environments into thriving rainforests communities. Here, we’ll explore the diverse roles available for volunteers who are eager to make a positive impact on our planet.

Autodesk Non-Profit Advisor

Utilize your knowledge of Autodesk as a Non-Profit Advisor to grow our Non-Profit company, and help us qualify for Autodesk grants.

Structural Engineer Advisors

Review and advise changes to existing designs to ensure the structure works on each specified site, and can withstand the loads from the specified environmental conditions.

Architect Advisor

Contribute your architectural expertise to verify that the design is up to all building codes.  Assist with ideas for unique, and  aesthetically pleasing and eco-friendly urban rainforest structure, form and spaces.

Life Safety Expert Advisor

Ensures safety by reviewing existing designs, and advising on life safety protocols.

Marketing Experts

Help us spread the word about our mission and engage the community in supporting urban rainforests growth.

Strategic Planner

Help us develop short long-term strategies to ensure the growth and sustainability of our non-profit, its future related companies, and our planned Urban Rainforests projects.

Business Experts

Offer business acumen to help us establish sustainable funding models and partnerships.

Roman Concrete Manufacturing Experts (MIT Expert)

Join us in refining the Roman Concrete formula to ensure the longevity of our structures for millennia, surpassing the 5000-year mark and beyond.

Concrete Manufacturing Plant Expert

Our aim is to achieve 100% electric power utilization sourced exclusively from solar and wind energy generation.

Electrical Power Supply expert for Fossil Fuel Free Power

Design and implement sustainable power solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of urban rainforests

Future Proof Engineer (Stop planned obsolescence)

Work towards creating long-lasting rainforest infrastructure to minimize waste and resource consumption.

City Planner/Developer

Contribute to the development and planning of urban rainforest projects within existing city landscapes.

Site Planner

Help select and design suitable locations for urban rainforest initiatives.

Video Content Creator(s)

Create engaging content to educate and promote our mission on various social media channels.

Passanger and Freight Train Enthusiast(s): US Rail & Route Expert, Electric Train Expert

Assist in the development of sustainable urban transport systems, including electric trains

Funding Expert

Explore funding opportunities and strategies to support the growth of urban rainforests.

Financial Guru

Manage and optimize financial resources to ensure the success and sustainability of our projects.

Vertical Integration Manufacturing and Construction Experts

Streamline rainforest construction processes for efficiency and sustainability.

Ancient Technology Experts

Explore ancient techniques that can be integrated into modern urban rainforests designs, such as megalithic stone quarrying and stone shaping techniques.

Vested Partner Recruiter

Identify and establish partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our vision.

Envision, Realize, and Act – Together, we make it a reality.

Disruptive Industry Recruiter

Attract experts from disruptive industries to bring fresh perspectives to urban rainforests projects.

Global Economics Vision Engineer

Contribute to the economic vision for a sustainable urban rainforests on a global scale

Global Site reconnaissance Director

Lead efforts to identify potential sites for urban rainforest projects worldwide.

Off Planet, and on other Planets, Envisioning a Sustainable Future Beyond Earth

Pioneer urban rainforests projects on other planets, envisioning a sustainable future beyond Earth.


Imagining, Manufacturing, and Implementing: Bring creative and innovative ideas to life within urban rainforest projects.

Research & Development

Research, developing, testing proof of concept of imagined items: Work on cutting-edge research and development to advance urban rainforests technology.

Website Fact Checkers

Ensure accurate and up-to-date information is available to the public through our online platforms.

Tunnel and or Garage Maintenance Expert

Maintain rainforests infrastructure, including tunnels and garages, for optimal functionality.

Road Design and Layout Expert

Design eco-friendly and efficient road systems within urban rainforests environments.

Social Media Community Manager

Connecting and promoting engagement with our online community.

Our volunteering opportunities offer an unparalleled chance to contribute your expertise to the creation of sustainable, vibrant, and eco-friendly urban communities. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career, there’s a place for you in our mission to transform cities into thriving rainforests communities. Join us and help us build our bright and promising future.

Contact Us

Make a positive impact

on the planet

We'd love to hear from you!

Please join us if you have reviewed our website and feel passionate about our project. If you think you have an expertise you feel is needed for our mission, and please get in touch with us.

Thank you!