Quantum Leaping Building Science Moving Human Civilization Forward

Our purpose is to use renewable, sustainable scientific methods to reinvent cities and communities and move mankind forward.


Quantum Leaping Building Science

We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Research and Development Company dedicated to discovering, creating, and implementing sustainable methods for constructing and maintaining clean, pollution-free communities designed to endure natural disasters and stand the test of 5000 years, sustainably.

Using First Principles, Urban-Rainforests completely reimagines Civilization and the Built Environment, reinventing cities from the existing ground level up: how they are owned, designed, constructed and operated by their citizens using the International Co-Operative Alliance business model and its principles.  

Our cities are designed to last for thousands of years, with 110% vegetative cover, clean air, walkability, renewable energy production, and water purification, capable of withstanding various environmental challenges.

Clean Air
Renewable Energy
Water Purification

Urban Rainforests

Moving Human Civilization Forward

Urban Rainforest’s properties are a pollution-free environment. Solar and wind electricity generation is situated around the perimeter above the wildlife preserves, with Giga Pack Batteries and heat and chill sinks storing the energy. The forests located on the roof, on the 11th and 12th levels, filter the air, moderate temperatures, and protect the building, its residents, and guests. On the 5th Level of the Promenade, you will find shops, bakeries, restaurants, and businesses. Along the perimeter of the Village Promenade’s 5th Level, there are gardens for Master Gardeners and hobbyists, parks for walking and picnics, baseball diamonds, soccer fields, and more. These green spaces also contribute to air purification and temperature control. —- All spaces are equipped with HEPA-filtered air supply systems and numerous air quality detectors. They are engineered to meet PHIUS (Passive House Institute United States) energy and ventilation standards. All Urban Rainforest buildings are designed to surpass LEED Platinum and Living Building Challenge standards.
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All public and common spaces are designed to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards, while also adhering to Universal Design principles. Private residences and businesses are customized according to the preferences of their owners, drawing from the aforementioned standards. In public restrooms, there are private toilet/bidet stalls and shower stalls, each with floor-to-ceiling partitions and secure door latches. There are no urinals, and the wash basins are accessible to all genders.
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Renewable Energy

Solar and wind electricity generation is situated along the perimeter, above the wildlife preserves. Mega batteries, as well as heat and chill sinks, are used to store the generated electricity. The buildings are designed to meet or surpass the energy-efficient standards of PHIUS, LEED, and the Living Building Challenge.
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Water Purification

All rainwater that falls on the forested and vegetated roofs and green spaces is gathered and filtered to meet Virginia Public Utility drinking water standards. Water that doesn’t meet the criteria for drinking water filtration is directed to either the greywater collection sites or routed to soil filters. The treatment of drinking water and wastewater (blackwater) takes place on the 1st Level.
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Transportation corridors (roads/highways) are situated inside the structure on the 3rd Level, significantly extending the lifespan of road and parking surfaces. These roads are made safer by several factors, including: No weather disruptions, such as wind, rain, snow, hail, or sleet. Absence of tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires, flooding, or global winters. A smooth surface finish without potholes, manholes, or other road imperfections. Constant excellent visibility conditions. LED light bars on the ceiling indicating traffic conditions (green for clear, yellow for caution, red for stopped traffic). Extra-wide safety shoulders for easy vehicle accommodation and safe passenger egress to emergency exits. Emergency exits, safety/medical equipment, and evacuation routes every 2000 feet. One-way roads with no oncoming traffic. Three-dimensional traffic with no crossing roads, red lights, or stop signs, only yield signs at merging points. Four-lane roads with dedicated entrance and exit lanes. Strict allowance for only 100% electric vehicles on the property, with ICE recognition scanners to prevent internal combustion engine vehicles from entering the roadways. Provision of offsite guest parking and electric trams for guests with ICE vehicles until ICE vehicles are largely phased out. Additionally: All spaces have HEPA-filtered air supply and numerous air quality detectors. The 4th Level is dedicated to hydroponic gardens, producing plant-based food necessities in controlled environments. Pedestrian walkways and PEV ways (Personal Electric Vehicle pathways) are available on the 2nd, 5th, and 11th Levels, providing three-dimensional pedestrian transportation throughout the village. The 2nd Level serves as a manufacturing hub, producing necessary products using locally sourced raw materials. The 5th, 11th, and 12th Levels are filled with edible vegetation and plants to support local ecosystems.
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All public and common spaces are designed to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards, while also adhering to Universal Design principles. Private residences and businesses are customized according to the preferences of their owners, drawing from the aforementioned standards. In public restrooms, there are private toilet/bidet stalls and shower stalls, each with floor-to-ceiling partitions and secure door latches. There are no urinals, and the wash basins are accessible to all genders.

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Your financial support helps us implement sustainable solutions and make a positive impact. You can choose to support us through one-time or recurring donations.


Volunteering for Urban Rainforests offers an incredible array of opportunities for individuals passionate about creating sustainable and eco-friendly urban communities.

Our Goals

Urban Rainforests & United Nations

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development 17 Goals: as implemented by Urban Rainforests 501c3.

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Urban Rainforests’ long-term goal is to eliminate poverty on Earth and its off-planet colonies. Urban Rainforests will transition from the current economic system to a non-scarcity, non-monetary system. Please refer to our International Cooperative, Principle 7: Solidarity and Unity To Raise funds for our initial “Prototype” We will sell high end homes, and business spaces to support the advanced self sustaining construction system built in harmony with the earth, and its systems.

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

Urban Rainforests’ The Earth's Way Project is an integrated modular sustainable system of housing, Manufacturing, 100% Solar & Wind energy collection, and energy storage systems, rain water purification systems, Potable, Grey & Blackwater to drinking water purification systems, a certified public utility, enclosed transportation, and parking network, indoor electric powered Aeroponic gardens for growing all the food needed for the community. Next is the Promenade level where people shop, play, create, imaginate, and invent new products for better health, and wellbeing. Restaurants, bakeries, maker spaces, and businesses. The promenade is pedestrian ONLY, with low speed accessible vehicle traffic. Edible, plants, herbs, fruits bushes and trees are everywhere right on the promenade streets. Homes, of all sizes, and economic scales are on the next 5 levels and overlook the promenade on one side, and a courtyard of more than an acre filled with all manner of vegetation, and space for the residence to play and relax. The Structure is constructed with Roman Concrete and engineered to last for 5000 years. It can withstand hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, tsunamis, global winters, and is out of range of supervolcano fallout. If a storm comes along the residents need to go nowhere. When wind speeds pickup the storm doors automatically close. The residentes do not even have to move their patio furniture. The roof has forests interconnecting from rooftop to rooftop. Again with edible, nutritious food, fruit and herbs.

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Please see goal 2. Our structure and systems are engineered for the health and well-being of all citizens. There are protected walkways in shelter from storms on the “Ant” level (2). People can walk throughout the village on the “Promenade” Level (5) and the Forest” Level (11). On the perimeter of the village, there are Master Gardens, Parks, Baseball diamonds, soccer fields etc. The environment is engineered to support Humans and all Earth's Vegetation and Beings. There are ramps covered in vegetation that traverse from the Promenade (5th) Level to the Forest (11th) Level for Humans, pets, and animals to traverse the slopes.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Education is for all prospective Member Citizens and for Children throughout their schooling years at “The Earth’sWay.” Update & refresher courses are available for all Member Citizens always: a) In order to love and respect others and appreciate the uniqueness and diversity of every person you meet, one must first learn to unconditionally love themselves. Training needs to address overcoming negative Western attitudes on weight, race, sexuality, etc., and how that is directly related to our loving and accepting ourselves and others. b) An important concept for being open-minded is to not categorize or compartmentalize people and their behavior, or our/your own behavior. c) Acceptance of gender, social, racial, political, and religious diversity. In-depth training in these areas. d) Training MUST include project-based learning and courses on fun, creativity, and imagination. Imagine what you want to create, use First Principles training to determine if it’s possible in the laws of physics, and then set out to create it.

Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

The Earth’s way collects rainwater, Grey & Blackwater and cleans it up to Public utility drinking water standards. The Community also handles streams and canal flooding water treatment.

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

Earth’s Way energy is 100% Solar & wind generated electricity, everyone who lives at the Earth’s way owns a piece of all the utilities including power. The Earth’s way project over time will ramp manufacturing of all the key components, for electricity collection, transmission, and storage affordable for all who with to live here.

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

All businesses are part of the International Cooperative and are employee-owned.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

This community is engineered to last for 5000 years. All infrastructure is inside and protected from all weather events as noted above in goal 2 above. At Urban Rain Forests we are reinventing civilization, based on first principles, with constant improvement of efficiencies toward the physical limit ofNo “Urgent” action all systems.

Goal 10: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

Inequality will be eliminated in our villages and cities. We plan to expand and have cities all over the world.

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

We are all about this with our education and the structural engineering of our communities. Teach acceptance and love for one another, and step up for those around you who are in peril.

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

The Urban Rainforests’ The Earth’s Way projects are 100% sustainable, using all locally sourced materials, manufacturing, and food production with goals of zero waste and total reuse of materials.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

No “Urgent action” is required. The Community is constructed to last for 5000 years and withstand all weather, including global winter extinction events and all-natural disasters except for direct impacts.

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development

All water resources, rivers, canals, and lakes are engineered for flood control and maximum use of water food harvesting, ensuring long-term sustainability in harmony with the water worlds of our Earth.

Goal 15: Protect and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably managed forests, combat desertification, and halt reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

The Earth’sWay projects cities and villages to be engineered to be compatible with the biome type in which they are located. Desalination plants may be placed on a nearby coast and piped to the location in desert regions. However, Urban Rainforests and The Earth’sWay projects prefer to be located in places in harmony with the Earth and humans. The Earth’sWay projects’ forests are engineered to maximize food production for humans and the indigenous beings in that biome.

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable institutions at all levels

c) Member Citizens are part of “The EarthWay” because they believe in the ethics of sustainability and eliminating harm to all beings on Earth, and to the Earth itself. This is a prototype community, and how to accomplish this mission is ever-evolving and improving based on first principles. The member citizens have gone through the 6-month course and trial period, and they have pledged to uphold its Core Values in accordance with the One Law”, the “Liberty Proclamation,” and the Co-operative’s 7 principles. d) “The EarthWay” wishes to maximize everyone’s freedoms in accordance with the One Law”, the “Liberty Proclamation”, and the Co-operative’s 7 principles, which embodies the 4th Co-Operative Principle of “Autonomy and Independence”. To do this “The EarthWay” Principle of “In Locality” must be invoked. The Principle of “In Locality” states that only those people impacted by behaviors are allowed to vote on them. “The EarthWay’s” Direct Democracy consists of a Global Network of Cities all working together. People from one city cannot vote on any issues from another city unless it is a global or regional environmental situation that affects the Planet, and therefore, all cities, or regional cities, such as toxic waste released into the environment. Each City may have fundamentally different cultures and varied perceptions of reality, however as long as they abide by the “One Law, “The Liberty Proclamation,” and the Co-operative’s 7 Principles, the other Cities are not allowed to vote on the decisions of what happens in another city. This being said, it is in the best interest of all Cities to cooperate, to maximize the peace, prosperity, and joy of all of “EarthWay’s” citizens. While each city is to be independent and 100% sustainable in energy, water, and all agriculture, essential goods and services, it is desirable for each City to trade their unique items created by Artisans around the globe. The question of when something becomes a “Mass Market Item” and it should be licensed and manufactured locally versus an Artesian Item shipped globally is a decision for future Member Citizens to address

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

What Global Partnerships of Sustainable Development. The Earth’s Way is excited to work with other organizations that are interested in achieving the 17 United Nations Goals, the 7 International Cooperative Principles, and the Mission of “The Earth’s Way.”

Urban Rainforests

Quantum Leaping Building Science

Our solutions significantly cut costs across construction, operations, and occupant health in various built environments, including buildings, outdoor spaces, public areas, factories, civil engineering projects, and infrastructure such as roads, tunnels, bridges, and waterways. 

Our purpose is to use renewable, sustainable scientific methods to reinvent cities and communities and move mankind forward

Urban Rainforests is dedicated to using renewable and sustainable scientific methods to revolutionize cities and communities, propelling humanity forward. With a focus on environmentally friendly practices, we actively contribute to a more sustainable future. Our unique approach, employing innovative techniques, sets us apart from conventional methods. By embracing renewable resources and leveraging scientific advancements, we pave the way for greener, more efficient, and visionary cities and communities.

We're thrilled to have your collaboration! Your financial support helps us implement sustainable solutions and make a positive impact. You can choose to support us through one-time or recurring donations. By supporting us, you contribute to saving humanity, protecting wildlife, and preserving our beloved planet, Gaia. 

Envision, Realize, and Act - Together, we make it a reality.